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1 and 2 weeks active training


£ 325 - (5 days)


£ 650 - (10 days)

Each session is approx. 1 hour long.

See videos below

This type of training is perfect for those looking to maximize their dog's personality and behavior.

These trainings can be more effective for the dogs as I can concentrate solely on them during the sessions.

I's also perfect for busy individuals who can’t attend every training session but still want to ensure their dog has a strong knowledge base.

I will take your dog for a 1-hour training session and return it afterward. My packages also include a final 1-hour handover session where I’ll show you the training results and provide essential information for your ongoing success. This ensures a smooth transition and helps you reinforce the training with your dog in the future.​​​

1-week programme:

  • 1 session consultation with me about the dog background and demonstration – on the 1st day

  • 3 sessions dog obedience training (variable days) - ideal for a single specific issue

  • 1 handover session – on the last day
    (5th day)

2-weeks programme:

  • 1 session consultation with me about the dog background and demonstration – on the 1st day

  • 8 sessions dog obedience training - basic & advanced training (variable days)

  • 1 handover session – on the last day (10th day)

While a dog may not be fully trained in 5 or 10 days, these sessions lay a strong foundation for desired behaviors. The handover session provides owners with essential instructions to integrate these behaviors into their daily routines. By consistently applying the learned techniques, owners can help their dogs progress toward their behavior goals over time.

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully if you wish to do the training with me.

German Shepherd - Confidence and obedience training

German Shepherd - Confidence and obedience training

🇬🇧 This 6-month-old puppy came for obedience and confidence training to address her anxiety around loud noises, unfamiliar objects, and crowded environments. We initially worked on her obedience in private sessions with her owner, followed by a 1 week active training, where I emphasized building her confidence alongside further obedience training. 🇭🇺 Ez a 6 hónapos kiskutya engedelmességi és önbizalom-tréningre jött, hogy kezeljük a hangos zajok, ismeretlen tárgyak és zsúfolt környezet miatti szorongását. Kezdetben gazdájával privát foglalkozásokon dolgoztunk az engedelmességén, majd egy 1 hetes aktív tréning következett, ahol a további engedelmességi tréningek mellett az önbizalom építésén dolgoztam. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first-time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #germanshepherd #anxiouspuppy #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés #szorongókölyökkutya
Labrador x Mastiff - impulse control training

Labrador x Mastiff - impulse control training

🇬🇧 This four-year-old Labrador x Mastiff attended a 1 week active training. She has strong basic knowledge, so I did advanced training with her to work on her impulse control. 🇭🇺 Ez a négy éves Labrador x Mastiff 1 hetes aktív tréningre jött hozzám. Erős alap tudása van, így haladó engedelmességi képzést csináltam, az impulzus konrollján dolgozva. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: Song: #labrador #mastiff #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés
Staffordshire Bullterrier x Bullmastiff - Leash training & Impulse control

Staffordshire Bullterrier x Bullmastiff - Leash training & Impulse control

🇬🇧 This three-year-old Staffordshire Bullterrier x Bullmastiff was found in poor condition by his current owners. He exhibited behaviour issues such as jumping for food and pulling on the leash to greet other dogs. Likely due to a lack of proper socialization, he struggled to communicate effectively with other dogs, often leading to misunderstandings and an inability to respond appropriately to signals from other dogs when they said "off". 🇭🇺 Ezt a három éves Staffordshire Bullterrier x Bullmasztiff keveréket rossz állapotban találták jelenlegi gazdái. Olyan viselkedési problémákat mutatott, mint például az ételért ugrálás és a pórázon húzás, hogy más kutyákat üdvözöljön. Valószínűleg a megfelelő szocializáció hiánya miatt, gondban volt, hogy hatékonyan kommunikáljon más kutyákkal, ami gyakran félreértésekhez vezetett, és képtelen volt megfelelően reagálni a többi kutya jelzéseire, amikor hátrálásra kérték. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #staffordshirebullterrier #bullmastiff #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés
Husky - Leash & Off-leash training, basic obedience training

Husky - Leash & Off-leash training, basic obedience training

🇬🇧 This 1.5-year-old Husky was brought in for a two-week active training program with very limited knowledge. His owner has cynophobia (fear of dogs), which prevented him from playing with other dogs and providing the necessary ammount and quality exercise for his breed. As a result, the dog exhibited excitement around other dogs, pulling on the leash, and ignoring the owner outside. This situation serves as a clear example of how insufficient exercise can lead to behavioral problems. 🇭🇺 Ez a 1.5 éves Husky a 2 hetes aktív tréningre jött hozzám nagyon kevés tudással. A gazdája cynofóbiában (kutyáktól való félelem) szenved, így a kutyusnak nem volt jelentősége játszani másik kutyákkal és nem kapta meg a kellő menniységű és minőségű aktivitást amire ennek a fajtának szüksége van. Ennek eredményeként, a kutya izgatott volt más kutyák közelében, húzott a pórázon és teljesen ignorálta a gazdáját kinti környezetben. Ez a sztiuáció a legjobb példája annak, hogy a nem megfelelő stimuláció viselkedés problémákhoz vezethet. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #husky #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés
Doberman - Impulse control training (leash & off-leash training)

Doberman - Impulse control training (leash & off-leash training)

🇬🇧 I have a longstanding relationship with this 1-year-old Doberman as I worked with himwhen he was a puppy in couple of sessions. Now, the owners need help as they are expecting a baby and the dog is entering adolescence. My main focus is on improving his impulse control. 🇭🇺 Régre nyúló kapcsolatom van ezzel az egy éves Doberman kutyával, mivel már kölyökkorában is foglalkoztam vele néhány alkalommal. Most a gazdái babát várnak és a kutya belépett a serdülőkorba. A legfőbb szempont a kutya impulzus kontrollja volt. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #doberman #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés
Finnish Lapphund -  Impulse control training & Leash/Off-leash training with distractions

Finnish Lapphund - Impulse control training & Leash/Off-leash training with distractions

Welcome back, old friend! I'm thrilled to have this adorable Finnish Lapphund return for more obedience training with me! We previously worked together when she was a puppy, and now she's back to tackle new challenges and refine her skills. Watch as we focus on advanced obedience exercises, building on her foundation and making progress towards becoming a well-behaved companion. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #FinnishLapphund #ObedienceTraining #DogTraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés
Pomeranian - Obedience Training from Basic to Advanced

Pomeranian - Obedience Training from Basic to Advanced

Meet the tiny but mighty Pomeranian who's big on skills! After just 2 weeks of active training with me, this furry friend has mastered basic and advanced commands, as well as good manners. Check out his impressive progress and get inspired to take your own pup's training to the next level! 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #pomeranian #dogtraining #trainyourdog #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés
Golden Retriever - Reactive behaviour & Impulse control & Leash and off-leash training

Golden Retriever - Reactive behaviour & Impulse control & Leash and off-leash training

Meet a 1.5 year old Golden Retriever who's made good progress in just 2 weeks of training with me! Due to his reactivity towards other dogs, we've been working on obedience training and rehabilitation techniques to help him build confidence and calmness around other canines. In this video, you'll see the transformation from a nervous and reactive pup to a more relaxed and focused dog. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #goldenretriever #reactivedog #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés #reaktívkutya
Irish Setter x Poodle puppy - Impulse control training

Irish Setter x Poodle puppy - Impulse control training

This 6-month-old Irish Setter x Poodle learnt to harness his energy and focus with just one week of impulse control training with me! From pulling on the leash and no recall, she has made incredible progress in just a short week. Impulse control is an essential skill for any puppy, and she is a shining example of what can be achieved with consistent training and positive reinforcement. Get ready to be inspired by this adorable pup's transformation! 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #irishsetter #poodle #mixedbreed #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés

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